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Writer's pictureCarole Noël


Here WE are already close to Summer 2022 and we have plenty of New Arrivals at IntegraSoul. We feel many planetary and astrological movements that can cause shifting in your Energy and great amount of change in your daily life. Those energy shift can bring lots of changes and sometimes can bring discomfort and transformations in our body. We are not used to those changes, and it can brings some periods of time where we don’t really know what’s going on! And sometimes, all those changes can bring the desire to go further on our Journey! Are you ready?

At IntegraSoul, we are at service of your well-being so that you can reach your best version. We offer you this menu of various possibilities to improve and take care of your body and your energy.


1- Individual therapy; Energy Medicine , Intuitive Counseling and Guided integration; . I invite you to follow this link to learn more about the services offered and to make your reservation online.


2- Couple therapy; Do you need a little downtime to clean up the weed in your relationship? Do you ever lose sight of your relationship and both of you blame the other for being the cause of your suffering? Is it almost impossible to communicate adequately? Introducing a third party will then help restore communication, so everyone can express themselves and explain their vision within the couple. The methods used by the in this therapy are varied, it can move on various grounds: in the past, the present, on the vision that you have of your evolution. The intention of the therapy is to achieve better communication, to understand and to find strategies to find love again towards the establishment of a more stable and balanced functioning of the couple. Through a better awareness of one's own functioning and of the functioning of the other, couple therapy allows the arrangement of the details of common existence in order to make it more satisfying, and certainly more loving. I invite you to follow this link to learn more about the services offered and to make your reservation online.

3- Family therapy; In your family circle, everything is made difficult because a member of your clan is in a state of shock due to illness, the loss of a job, etc. Or maybe a separation occurs after many years of marriage. What to do? When an event disrupts family life, be it illness, death or divorce, communication becomes very difficult and everyone walks on eggshells. This therapy is tailored to the family needs that will be expressed. The therapy will be done with family members in the form of a meeting. However, everything can be tailor-made according to your preferences. I invite you to follow this link to learn more about the services offered and to apply online.

Free tools for your wellbeing and to facilitate your journey through your best version!

11- Meditations; you can find them in Integrasoul’s Shop ou sur insight Timer:

IntegraSoul’s Shop where you can find products to enhance your Journey

4- One mail a Day; it’s coming soon!

Subscribe to the IntegraSoul website by becoming a member to be informed of everything that happens there. Have a great summer and remember that we are here for you and with you. Sometimes a good energetic cleans allows you to see clearly... Book your appointment with us! It's a blessing to see you!

Carole Noël

Médecine énergétique & Counselling intuitif



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