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Writer's pictureCarole Noël

New Possibilities at IntegraSoul

Series of 3 workshops and a class to taking back YOUR power and feel free to be YOU

with the new IntegraSoul service “Crush the ball tm”!

Come and join for these 3 workshops and this new class to regain your power, to manage your emotions and to liberate yourself from internal blockages that prevent you to BE your best version!

Various circumstances will come our way and it is in unconsciousness that we will accumulate certain emotions, including anger. We tend to hide these kinds of emotions because we were taught to be nice! In general, we have not learned too much about how to manage our emotions, which results in so much anxiety, depression, violence, etc.

Even today, we feel emotions in our body, but we do not really know what it is and how to manage, surrender and release them. So, we seek and turn into yoga, meditation and exercise and we don’t really feel it’s working, or we finally go into addictions to num our body and our mind. But we feel that everything is still there, and a illness begins to appear inside our body.

We don't quite know what we feel and what kind of emotions are inside us, but those emotions build up within us like a pressure cooker on the stove. At some point, it's going to blow up! Do you really want to get at this point? Well, one day it will happen that you out of bed and you don’t feel good instead you feel lost and just want to go back in bed and stay! Have you ever experienced this?

This happened to me one morning and at that moment I choose to say no when I felt that activation energy. I decided to take my medicine ball and throw it down with all my power. I screamed and I cried. Afterwards, I felt a release in me; I felt anger coming out of my body; an emotion I did not want to see. From there came this concept of healing “Crash the BallÓ”. When the energies are blocked, the flow does not circulate well and this can cause discomfort and illness but above all, a profound state of losing our sight. We have difficulty putting our finger on what is wrong! The only thing we know it that is hurting inside!

"Crush the Ball tm" is a unique and essential concept for your well-being where you allow yourself to let off steam in a complete secure environment and with the tolls to Empower yourself towards your best version! This concept will allow you to liberate yourself from these blockages that hinder your life and prevent you from opening your arms to your full potential! It is an effective, safe, and personal way to release anger, frustration, stress and anxiety and so many emotions that are linked to anger.

"Crush the Ball tm" will allow you to be on this path of greater awareness and to be conscious about those internal blockages. You will be able to work on it little by little by freeing yourself from these blockages that hinder your path. You can come here to unwind from your week or to unblock yourself from your past. It will be up to you to choose your intentions at the beginning of each session. Because each of these sessions will be for you and with you towards a new version of you!

A preamble will be at the beginning of each of the one-hour classes and we will continue this class towards various secure ways for you to "Crush the ball tm" by ending each of the classes towards a realignment of your energies towards the reinforcement of your power. These classes will be on Saturdays from 11:30 to 12:30 at Premium Fitness in Dieppe.

When we have emotions that take over our body, it is difficult to fully live our life and in addition, these emotions block the flow of our energy, our inspiration, our outlook on life and our flexibility towards life! Over time, we come to feel lost, and we come to lose our sparkles. The outlook seems to be difficult and even more difficult to make choices for our highest good as we get lost even more. To help you get out of this impasse, IntegraSoul has come up with this way of liberating yourself with these 3 various workshops towards regaining your power and your best version!

IntegraSoul offers you a series of 3 workshops where we will release those emotions that hinder your path. We offer you this space so that you can safely clean your internal garden to Empower yourself and open your arms to the possibilities available to you with confidence.


"Crush the Ball tm"

When: Starting Saturday, June 17, 2023 and every Saturday (looking at the online schedule)

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Premium Fitness, 551 Blvd Ferdinand

Cost: $17

Maximum of 20 people

Comfortable clothes and bottle of water

Workshop no.1

Resilience; a state of being or a way of doing?

Resilience is a phenomenon that has been talked about a lot for some time and it remains a mysterious phenomenon that can be misinterpreted or integrated.

This workshop will bring you to see more clearly by feeling the energetic significance of this word and its significance in your life.

Resilience cannot be cultivated because we do not know the ingredients of this phenomenon that is happening within us; however we can become aware of the forces that are within us; some will be able to pull us down while others will propel us towards the light.

This is what we are going to talk about and become aware of the movement of these forces and above all, become aware of this phenomenon within us!

1- Resilience; what is it and how does it present itself in my life?

2- What are you currently experiencing? Activity to become aware of the effects of what you are experiencing on your body.

3- How to do when a trial comes our way so as not to sink into regrets or depression without however putting emotions under the carpet? Various means of managing emotions and practicing them.

4- Do an introspection of our life to see what is hidden in us.

5- What is acceptance? Activity towards acceptance that was channeled during my journey.

6- “Crush The BallÓ”; Release activity.

7- Introspection and Journaling

8- Putting into practice various strategies (questions) to integrate resilience into our lives

9-Breathwork; Certified in Breathwork.

10- Relaxation/end

When: to be confirm

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Premium Fitness, 551 Blvd Ferdinand

Cost: $167

Maximum of 25 people

Bring your yoga mat and comfortable clothes

Workshop no.2

What am I focusing on? My direction…How?

to be confirm

Info to come

Workshop no.3

Finally I take my place; Reclaiming his Power!

to be confirm

Info to come


At IntegraSoul, we are in Service for you towards your well-being and your best version!

All rights reserved.

Carole Noël

Médecine énergétique & Counselling


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